Ser And Mee

Ser and Mer, known also as the Nun Kun peaks, are remarkable twin giants, rising from a region of perpetual snow: they are the highest points of the Punjab Himalaya between the Sutlej and Nanga Parbat. Ser is white and Mer is dark, being too precipitous on the side of India to retain much snow.

Ser is 21 miles south-west of Mer: a third peak (22810 feet) stands 11 miles east north-east of Mer, and there is a fourth peak (22310 feet) two miles east of Mer. The positions and heights of these four peaks were well determined. The account given in the Geographical Journal % of the Bullock-Workman expedition refers to a third peak of the group, exceeding 23000 feet. No third peak however of 23000 feet was observed by the Trigonometrical Survey. The peak climbed by Mrs. Bullock-Workman was Mer.


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